that’s too harsh for a closure, don’ you think

Couple of weeks back on a pretty even monday, a day i dressed not my best. as sunday was loundry and i had intersteller to watch. solar kitchen has three blocks, two fairly ventilated closed blocks. in between them is a open space, opening to a uneven garden with prominent trees and tall grass. take a deep breath, lift your head and open your eyes you will find a clear blue sky, silhouetting trees. continueous calling of water from the near water recycle plant connecting to a water tank.

There are only three table where you can get this view. Suprisingly not many compiting for them. i occupy the middle one, its been couple of week, since i discovered the place.

that monday it was usual. as usual as it can get. i was minding my business and devouring my food. heard a women calling me with “can i sit hear?” me: SUre. her: can you move a bit. i was at edge of the table. she was on my left bit back, i could’t turn my head all over to look her face. i moved and focused on my food. in my usual sense, my consusion was that she dont want to miss the view. i mean who dont want to eat there meal with that view. i continued my focus on food. a bit while she asked my name, we exchanged our name. she asked two more questions, i answered. brief few sec silence followed. i dont want to look i was completely disintressed so i mentioned my theater stuff. she replyed with the information that she too is staying in the same community as my director. i apprishated that information in my head. i was about to complete my lunch, she was not even half of her lunch. staying even after my lunch completed would be akward i thought. ending with See you, i left. never looked back. why i left so early? no clue. may be i dont want to get dissappinted or i dont want to annoy her. i regreted not asking her number.

This never happened to me, ever. For first time, it was not a bad interaction. my heart siked all the while. rest of that day i was occpied with other stuff, couldn’t thing about her. it hit me that night and next morning.

If there is one thing i learned from reading kamasutra again and again is that you resiprocate everying your partner does. they bite, you bite. they slap, you slap. they bend, you benddd///… no no with bending it doen’t deosn’t work. with everying else, it does. so i decided to resiprocate her efforts.

I clinged on the information about where she lives. search mission was on. not a mission actually, every time i am near to that community with my usual work, once in a day. nonchalantly i pass thought the community once a day, no luck. next next day, not even close. next next next day, just when entered the gate. there she was parking the bike. walking to her house, i stopped infront of her. she dressed pretty manly, with black and black. there was a scar on her neck, prominent one. i bluntly throught up my word, with no confidence. “would you like to go for a dinner today or something” She: i am going to pondy today, may be sometime. Me: oh, ok… see you. i cycled passed her and she continued to walk, i looked back at her. she said something facing the other side, was not audioble.

When i left i was complete, proud. i never asked anyone out before. by her responce, she maybe just avoiding a date or she really busy. eaither way its was irrelavent. i was siked, i reciprocated. and asked someone out. that day somehow turened about me then her.

after that i continued for few day, after my head seattled. i realized it just madness and i am littrally stalking her. after few day i stoped. practically forgot about her.

After that once or twice, i saw her. just on the way, akward smile thats all.


today, as i am exiting solar kitchen. as my head scrolling throught the street from this side to other side. she was on the other side, with her friend, parking the veakhile.

Crossing the practically empty pavement. debries of cold still ligured from yesterdays rain, but for 1:00 pm sun was warm.

I know she noticed me i can see the smile, she turned her face as soon as i looked. White top and green shot, sun was even not sharpe on her face. not glossy just bright. like a just about to melt chocolet, few seconds later i turned down my face as i dont want to be obvious. when i turned back, just few second before they disappear into the gate. her hair clip was oddly cute, but man Ooo man. My eyes squinted looking down, coundn’t handle bright regret. like my neck was releaved of earthly duties, it hung. those thighs, those damn thighs. can’t stop smiling, as my head slowly rested on the cycle handle.