Site icon Mani Vardhan

One of The important reasons

i am 5.8, its a decent height. Atleast in india i dont see many people taller than me, i never went abroad to tell about it. My guess is that i will find fairly more people above my height. I have see people talk insecurely about there height, relative to them i am not that insecure.

Atleast, not insecure enough to rant a list of successful people who are conventionally less height. If someone is conventionally successful, i am sure there are plenty exception to them then there damn height.

What i am lately thinking about is, with surprised smile on my face. lets assume. if i am verbally so insecure about my height, i don’t want a person who is below 5.8 to listen to it.

if you ask me what’s stopping from being insecure about my height is, me not having a option of conventional and unappealing answer. I would reply, its the responsibility i feel on people who is below 5.8, to not to make them feel depressed.

If i broadcast my insecurity to people above 6 feet, they can max insult me about my height. Me who can take it, its lot better then making some people go “What the fuck……….what can i do now”.

Thinking about this making me smile from inside.

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