Apparantly, for someone to be obsesed with you, you need to put efforts. how lame is that. cant they just be curious about me for well, absoulutly nothing.
So oppertunities for people to know me. things i dont like, like, fashinations, habits and maybe my curiousity. only occur when i roll the dies. cant they be fair and pick up the dies, place it on side according to the number they want to show up.
Maybe its not unfair, its just human. maybe they dont want to put there self-respect at stake. btw when did we make be curious about someone, not respecting yourself. showing pride and being shameful by default expected?. cant we just be animals.
Irony is i dont want to put my self-respect at stack in the first place, and expecting others to do so.
then again, something being so unbalanced and me on higher ground is what build this thing. some people can call this tocsix too, perspective, what can i say.
that being said, if someone did show curiousity in knowing me again and again, doesnt mean i will disrespect them then or anytime in futue. In fact i respect them more. the fact that they put asaid there human instints, fear of being judged and shear amount of energy. is actually impresses me. i am also entertaining enough to resiprocate it with double the efforts, they put in.
all this just means that, “i am afraid of loosing and i will accept someone loosing for me with grace, respect and efforts from my side’