When our closed ones are hurt, we will be so fast to assume that they don’t deserve it. If someone slapped someone somewhere, obviously we can’t justify slapping one but, we don’t know for sure that they didn’t deserve it. 10,000 people of an earthquake, obviously no one deserve to die that abruptly, still we don’t know how many suicidal and depressed people are there in that 10,000, for them death is a peace that they could never achieve being alive. We will be quick to sympathize, not knowing their stories. As a society we spend so much of our social battery on convincing people that they don’t deserve what happened to them.
Me personally i gain immense pleasure by telling people who are in pain and suffering that they absolutely deserve it. Just something about being that honest, to yourself and them.
Believing good things happen to you when you do good things and bad things happen to you when you do bad things, is called karma. Kinda quirky.
Believing in this does have its side effect, when you believe bad things happen to bad people, it makes you into an unforgiving asshole. You stop feeling sad when bad things happen to people you don’t like. After a while when circumstances are convenient you even don’t mind committing harmful stuff to people and YOU think they deserve it.
Believing in this is in fact taxing,
There is other perspective to this, when you understand people have odd justifications to whatever terrible things people do. Terrible by your standards and societie’s. When you leave room for possibilities, first hand experiences, instead of filling it will borrowed judgements and rumours. That you alone is responsible for what you provide to people, When you deeply know you don’t enjoy their suffering.
This is infact effortess and liberating
Am i a unforgiving asshole or a humane creature? I don’t know