when solar kitchen opens at 12:00. i dont know when they closes, i never had a need to know.The are already people outside to get in a line as it opens. i will be one of them.
right before the counter, rightside of the que. there is mediam wide table, serving this man. a somewhat dark brown complexing, elegent jaw. ironed half beige cotton shirt, beige or not i dont remember but i never saw this man in a bright colored shirt ever. ironed nicker and bare food. a pleasent salt and pepper hair, always on point, he has a full head hair not so think. a pointing finger length cut. shaves every forth day, grows stuble the next day. beard salt and pepper too, doesnt dominate his face and eyes. a smile not happy or sad but, it never not there. occational wide smile, at time to comfort other but, mostly why not. subtle delightful akwardness. confidence cant be observed. clear skin like a chocolet, looking fresh. early or lates 40s.
I never saw this man lean on his chair, upright lightly leaning on table, holding a pen on a book. he note downs resedence ids of aurovillens, i dont know why. some people approch and give his some information.
apart from what i just told, i dont know anything about him. is he happy,sad. does he like his job, is he getting paid enough, wife, children, habits. i never had a conversation with him. i never heard anyone refer to him. i dont know what else he does in solar kitchen.i dont know how many notice his existance. I dont know how much of value he adds to others or solarkitchen.
dry and dandy, facing morning sun in mid january. i want to be like him.