Custard Yoghurt

a lot of things limits us a humans. listing: identity, lack of vision, subjective taste, truma, prejudices, fear, past decisions, long term commitments, desires, love, fear of loosing things, way we nurtured, human biological body, time, money, influence, energy, 0ther humans and physics.

Even after removing all this limitations, there are few things one can’t get. for me its curtard yoghurt.

custard flavour presumabully cums out of custard apple. Personally i never had a likeing towards custard apple. its more seeds then fruit, thats not how i like my women. when you are eating it, your teeth touches the seed and its made of different texture.

i will be honest, if solar kitchen doent exist i would be starving. it added nutrition, quality, quantity and disiplain to my life. who ever took the decision, people who built it, people who maintaining it and people who spent there time and energy to bring solar kitchen to the state i have exprienced. on this occuasition i would like to awarded them “gratitude for life by Mani Vardhan” award.

anyways, i will spend another day explaining solar kitchen.

Yesterday, when i was in que at the end i saw a yellow paste in cups. placed it on my plate. i dont care how it looks and taste, as long as its ediable i will put it in my mouth. thats what i do, i put it in my mouth. the second it touched my tounge, 72,451,2593 nurves in my brain exploded into esence of joy and wonder. meterial world strinked and expaned to in a thick yellow air. it tasted lactose, citrus and creamy.reached the counter and asked what is this, he replayed with custard yoghurt. i know yoghurt is a curd, but never heard custard.

then i realized, if not for solar kitchen. i would have never tasted so many diverse foods with high quality.
