This is a story about few men i know in my life right now.
The man incharge of the Cinema Paradise (theater).the first this you are gonna receive from that man is indifference. That with most people, there are gonna be exceptions obviously. once stuided in hyderabad and once stayed in germany, that all i know about him. He has his options on world and proud of them. I never saw him recive a word from another person and he has lot to say. he has praller lines on his bald head, i don’t know how thats possible. and a goatee beard. He is a entire personality himself. Kinda admire him. He read a lot of news and ride a cycle.
The one who in hold of farm for past 50-60 years, probably form begining of auroville. He can talk and continue to talk about other angles of what he is talking about. He rarely talks about himself. He is old, thats important. I wonder weather is always like this, talking. or Someing he picked up growing old. My guess is he is always like this.
As i leave my cabin, cross community kitchen. Most propably i will come accoss this man. a old timer in the farm, he don’t work much mostly gardening and other lite stuff. I am gussing atleast 30 year old in farm. Thats a lot of year. As long as i know him, he limps around. he has piles or Colan infection kinda thing going on. He explains in gross details for people who listen. current trend is that how happy he is that the new herbal medicion he is trying is working. and how this modern medician was ineffective. He is currently employed for old time sake i belive, considering he can’t work much. I may be wrong. I don’t know anything else about him. He is a friendly man, talks a lot. One of those who don’t know when to stop and can continue long if there is someone to listen. he is old, thats important.
They maybe just chatty. maybe its just there personality to talk a lot. All of this men i rarely find them talking about themself, usually its unimportant.
What this people ingnited in me is that. weather its political nonsense or about themself. Its same, they have something to say about things and so far they were not given enough oppertunities. The reason i said there are old and its important in the sense that. Realizing you are gonna perish, and you are gonna perish with everything you know is something to be felt.
I try to listen, sometimes don’t. its mostly doesn’t matter to them. They just want to someone to hold the place. They are gonna throw up every thing they know, in a dillusion that the other care.
Imagine what they have to say about themself and there life. so far, as i look around, its unconventional to talk about his things. I don’t know how to ask eaither.
Maybe thats why your partners ask how was your day? or what do you thing about this?, kinds of this. Maybe this part of what love is. Some one who care to ask, care to listen. Some one who feast on what you have to say or feast on your existance as whole. Is hard to imagine, how many amoung us are left unasked. How may amoung us are surrounded by people who care less. Wifes and husbends who are as good as strangers. People around us, who careless or Cowards who don’t want to know.
atleast one in everyones life, who will ask. that would be luxary i guess.
When i want to digress, its awkward few secs. when to cut this, so its feel natural?. I find it disrespectful towards them, for some reason.
Something unconfortable about listening to someone who don’t stop. Most of it comes from the preasure to respond or to let them know you care. You standing there noding heads and with out moving lips is more then enough for most of the people i belive.
I remember days i blaber to myself, about how i would answer to the quesions never asked at this happening dinner with few aquantances.
Thats one case, how about people who talk nonsense, that amounts to absolute silence. Now they went unasked and lost there energy. Thats funny.
Whats more funny is, now that you know people need to be listened and you listen. That still means you when unasked.
What makes someone go blank.
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